that is not really going to be what we call the newest edition to the family, in fact nixon is short enough, i might not ever come up with a nickname - but my mom said she was going to call him that (nicky blue eyes), and i don't think i have heard her say it yet, but now i will randomly call him that - thanks mom. nixon is just over 2 months, and he is smiling all the time, and laughing, basically just adorable, hugable, and loveable. The girls ignore him most of the day, and then when they realize he is around they like to climb on top of him, give him kisses, and talk really loudly right in his face. we took him to bear lake when he was 4 weeks old, and we will be taking him to lake powell in 2 weeks. he is gonna grow to just love the water. the water, i am actually afraid of the water, everytime i am in the lake, i can't help but let my mind wander to the unknown, whenever i fall off the wakeboard, i swim to my board as quick as i can, and lay on top of it as much as poss...