
Showing posts from September, 2008

baby ties

i have a very crafty mom. she decided to start doing some crafts at work, to help pass the time. the first craft she brought home was this adorable tie she made for nixon. he got so many compliments on it, she decided to make some more, and try to sell them. the ties will fit newborn to 1 year, if you have a toddler or older, she can make them in that size too. a tie is $10, and i can mail it to you for $12.

40 years

the year was 1968, great and terrible events occured all around the world; the vietnam war was nearing a close, martin luther king jr. was assasinated, richard nixon was running for the oval office, david o mckay was leading the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. amid this and much more 2 young people met at BYU and fell in love... that is where the story of keith and jenni began, today they celebrate 40 years together, with their 8 children, 5 children in-law, and 14 grandchildren. we had a fun evening eating, and enjoying everyones company. while keith and jenni looked back at what they had accomplished, and look forward to another 40 years... roxy and one of her favorite cousin's courtney(looking all lady like)

my first twilight party

better late then never. right? last night our book club got together to discuss "Breaking Dawn" it was more of a party then a discussion. people brought Twilight themed desserts : pizza, vampire cup cakes, chips and blood - i mean salsa-, tiny little cherry tarts, butterscotch hard candies, and bite size pieces of a big hunk bar. We played a twilight version of jeopardy, with the craziest questions. i have read these books several times, and was confident i would know most of the answers, sadly i did not. but i do believe my team won! thanks Steffani for going with me!

the mitch hansen band

i spent an entire afternoon trying to find this band- "The Mitch Hansen Band". i am sure i am ages behind the rest of the twilight fans, but that is how i roll. amazing... he has a whole album inspired by the twilight series. my favorite is called "lullaby" it is very sweet, and soon, hopefully will be playing on here, so all can enjoy!!

flippin awesome blog layout

just thought i should mention that maui made this awesome page, so far he has put in at least 6 hours, but it looks great, and i really appreciate it. now you know. don't think for 1 second i had anything to do with this.

bear lake 2008

every 2 years we go to bear lake with my dad, with his whole, huge extended family. it is a pretty typical mormon style family reunion - you don't know half the people there, and you stick to your own immediate family, and socialize outside that group, very minimally. they can be very exclusive - kidding- the girls with their favorite older cousin elan. elan lives in las vegas...

nameless middle child

i realized i have mentioned very little about our middle child- how typical of me. riley is 2.5, and a little monster. she is stubborn, bossy, and does not like to share, but she has the cutest little face, it is hard to stay mad. i usually find myself laughing at her bad behavior. she likes to do what her big sister is doing... ride bikes, jump on the tramp, sing songs, steel roxy's guitar, play dolls, and watch whatever movie she is into for the week- this week it is "Monsters Inc." 2 weeks ago it was 1 of 3 "Shrek" movies. i like to call her shrek, when we do her hair in pigtail buns - she resembles him in a way. anyhow, if you call her something other than her name, she will correct you with "I not shrek, I riley." Here she is driving Grandpa Dan's boat!!

living with grandma

spring 07 we decided we were ready to move on up into a house. we put a deposit down to build a home in eagle mtn. brian wanted to sell once summer hit, and at the time our townhouses were selling for around $175K. super smart desi thought, lets wait til fall (since the builder had yet to give us a projected finish date) and we could probably sell for more!! we did wait til fall, well we listed at the end of August. 12 months later we finally sold our townhouse, for $153K. now we are at my mom's house in sojo. i am pretty sure roxy and riley could not be any more happy about living here, they love seeing her everynite, and tend to ask about her whereabouts several times through out the day. she has 2 good sized bedrooms in her basement, and a huge family room too. this area we have taken over, we have the majority of our furniture in the family room. all three kids beds (2 beds and a crib) line one wall in their room- my mom jokes that it looks like an orphanage- and there is...

little nicky blue eyes

that is not really going to be what we call the newest edition to the family, in fact nixon is short enough, i might not ever come up with a nickname - but my mom said she was going to call him that (nicky blue eyes), and i don't think i have heard her say it yet, but now i will randomly call him that - thanks mom. nixon is just over 2 months, and he is smiling all the time, and laughing, basically just adorable, hugable, and loveable. The girls ignore him most of the day, and then when they realize he is around they like to climb on top of him, give him kisses, and talk really loudly right in his face. we took him to bear lake when he was 4 weeks old, and we will be taking him to lake powell in 2 weeks. he is gonna grow to just love the water. the water, i am actually afraid of the water, everytime i am in the lake, i can't help but let my mind wander to the unknown, whenever i fall off the wakeboard, i swim to my board as quick as i can, and lay on top of it as much as poss...

the office

i get a little ocd about alot of random things- one of which is tv shows. I am so excited for the 5th season of "the office". i hold a special place in my heart for each of the characters, including creed. maui has the previous 4 seasons on our xbox -media center thing a ma jig- and i could watch re-runs all day... if the kids would allow it. my sister and i love kevin's face, it is soooo chubby and round, you just want to plant a big kiss on it, and he has the funniest facial expressions.

little debbie and the snack cakes

abo ut a 9 months ago m aui decided to start playing the guitar. he call ed his little bro up and started t aking lessons, and bam he got signed a few months later, that's when the dough started rolling in.... well actually his brother randy invited him to join the family band- "Little Debbie and the Snack Cakes". this ban d consist of randy (little brother) hillary (randy's wife) and debbie (little sister), and unless they decided maui was not good en ough -brian (I like to switch between ca lling him brian and maui, hopefully confusing peo ple). roxy (my almost 5 year old da ughter) started going to band practice with him, and soon enou gh she had some small back up vocal parts. band practice became the highlight of her week. fast forward a couple of months, and the band performed at the annual BBQ, featuring randy's awesome regular b and - "Much Bigger Diamonds", "Little Debbie and the Snack Cakes", and hillary's grandmothers band (who...

what to blog about

at 12:24am i decided to start a blog. first things first- google 'what to blog about'. well, do i want a topical blog, or a personal blog. i just want a blog, it is far past time (which happens to be my favorite time) to jump on the blog bandwagon. i am assuming i want a mix of topics and personal things on my blog. the only blogs i really read are my brother's, and my sister chanel's, also my friend Steffani's. Oh! i just thought of my first blogging topic- for my personal/topical blog.