living with grandma

spring 07 we decided we were ready to move on up into a house. we put a deposit down to build a home in eagle mtn. brian wanted to sell once summer hit, and at the time our townhouses were selling for around $175K. super smart desi thought, lets wait til fall (since the builder had yet to give us a projected finish date) and we could probably sell for more!! we did wait til fall, well we listed at the end of August. 12 months later we finally sold our townhouse, for $153K.
now we are at my mom's house in sojo. i am pretty sure roxy and riley could not be any more happy about living here, they love seeing her everynite, and tend to ask about her whereabouts several times through out the day. she has 2 good sized bedrooms in her basement, and a huge family room too. this area we have taken over, we have the majority of our furniture in the family room. all three kids beds (2 beds and a crib) line one wall in their room- my mom jokes that it looks like an orphanage- and there is still plenty of room for their dressers, rocking chair, and some play area. it is a big change to essentially live on 1 level- after living on 3 in our town house. 1 level is the way to go.
once january hits we will start looking around for a house, which is very exciting. i have basically been looking at houses, religiously, since we listed our house, 1 yr. ago. I can spend a good 2-3 hours looking at houses online, it is a fun hobby for the time being. we initially thought we would return to eagle mtn., which would mean a larger and newer home, but

here we see roxy reading riley a story - yeah she can read 1st reader books, she's freakin smart.