bear lake 2008

every 2 years we go to bear lake with my dad, with his whole, huge extended family. it is a pretty typical mormon style family reunion - you don't know half the people there, and you stick to your own immediate family, and socialize outside that group, very minimally. they can be very exclusive - kidding-
the girls with their favorite older cousin elan. elan lives in las vegas...


Steffani said…
YAY, I am so happy that you have a blog!!! It's amazing so far! I love reading it, you're so funny. I also like how you don't capitalize the first letter when you start sentences, I have seen that before and have debated changing to that because I think it's cool, but I thought it would be weird to just all of the sudden change. I love the pic. of Roxy in her "rock n' roll" outfit. Too cute!! All your kids are cute, you need to have like 12 of them. What are the names of those work books you did with Roxy? I think I should get some for Addi, although I think Roxy is just born stinkin' smart, but I should give it a try with Addi.
Wow, I have never written such a long comment.
The Mauermans said…
And the winner of the cutest butt in a g-string life vest goes to...RILEY MAUERMAN!!! This picture is priceless! Love, Aunt Anne

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