baby kamryn

i have much that needs to be posted... like riley getting her ears pierced, bear lake reunion, and roxy's first day of school. all need time and attention, but first i wanted to post about our new little bundle of joy-

Kamryn Mauerman
August 26, 2010

I was lucky enough to be induced about 5 days early. Being induced is so different from going into labor naturally, its so much..... better! This labor was so similar to roxy's where i was also induced. I was able to get an epidural before my contractions got bad, my pain scale topping at like a 5. Once i was actually induced at about 10am we welcomed our baby about 4 hours later. the good doctor B did come and pop my water, and after that everything started progressing much quicker, that was about noon, and she was delivered at 1:44 pm. Just a quick recap for ya,
Hopefully that wasn't TMI for you.

She was 7 pound 6 ounces, and 19.5 inches long. my smallest baby yet!

riley and her look alike! we told riley how the baby looked like her, the pride in riley's face is undeniable! About the time of this photo Riley asked us "did she come out with the bow on her head?" and shortly after that she asked, in a very conclusive tone "so she doesn't have any feet yet?"

Roxy and Riley with their new baby sister. Nixon was around here somewhere, he was going crazy in the hospital room, running around and acting like an adorable little 2 year old monster.
He did see the baby and said "baby" and he gave her hugs and kisses. He now will ask "where's Kamryn" he loves his little sister, and wants to hold her, he just doesn't know how to be soft and gentle yet.


Cowan Family said…
Yeah!! She is a cutie!! Congratulations. Let me know if I can help you out any. I bet Roxy and Riley are the best big sisters.
Alifinale said…
Congratulations! You guys sure make cute kids so I am so happy there is another one.
gretchen said…
Desi, I'm so happy for you! Kamryn is adorable. I love Riley's questions, she is so funny! We can't wait to meet Kamryn when you're feeling up to having visitors.

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