kamryn at 1 month

Here are some cute pictures of Kamryn- Enjoy
Don't overlook that gigantic birthmark!! It is located in almost the same spot as my younger sisters. So, thanks Mom and Dad, for passing that birthmark gene 2 generations . At least they also passed along being super smart and super good looking! :)

Kamryn has long, dark eyelashes! All the kids do, they can thank their Dad for that!

I edited this photo myself. Photoshop is far beyond my abilities. But this lame little program called Picasa fits right in. I lightened the background, and brightened it up a bit. I guess that is probably all I did. Oh yeah, I did give it a little tint- or something.

Little Kamryn is doing really well, and growing like a weed.

She weighed 7.6 lbs at birth
6.14 lbs when we left the hospital - 2 days later.
7.14 lbs at her 2 week check up
9.9 at 1 month

Great weigh ins Kam!

Baby books say between 2 and 3 months your baby will start to smile. Well on Thursday she smiled 2 times! The first time was even in front of a nurse, and she said : Whoa, look at that she is smiling! And then later that same day she smiled again. Truly, no gas followed these smiles, so it wasn't that she was just gassy.

Kamryn is also moving her head like a champ. She will follow me with her head and eyes as I walk by and she will follow toys as well. Her head and neck seem really strong too. I like to carry her over my shoulder, and she keeps her head up very well.

Sleeping habits could be better. She is still waking up a few times a night. Usually falling asleep around 10 or 11pm and waking up at 2:30 or 3:30am. And then again almost always at 5:30. This means we are usually up for at least 30 minutes, usually more like an hour, as it takes her awhile to fall back to sleep.

The kids still love her, and pay too much attention to her. Riley picks her up all the time, even though she knows she is not supposed to. Nothing terrible has happened yet, but kamryn usually lets out wale, that informs me Riley is trying to pick me up!!! Help!!
Roxy obviously is a bit more careful, and can pick her up gently. Nixon treats her like a toy, he is very interested in her and loves her, just not gently.

I believe all this love and attention is why she cries with such force and volume, she is so use to the noise around her, that she knows if she wants to be heard, it has to be loud!

All in all we are loving her, she is so adorable! I love to snuggle with her at night, after the older kids are in bed, that is about the only time I can really enjoy her and pay attention to her! Thats the life of the youngest of 4 children.
Roxy will soon be turning 7, then it won't sound so crazy. Saying 6, 4, 2 and a new baby makes me sound a little crazy. In November when I can say: 7, 4, 2 and baby, that will make a world of difference, don't you agree?

Funny story, I don't want to forget. When kamryn was about 2 weeks old, we were putting the kids to bed a little earlier than normal, like at 7:30. Anyhow, we were all upstairs and kamryn was sleeping downstairs. She of course woke up, and started crying. I ignored it for a few minutes, then she stopped. About 2 minutes later I venture down the stairs to go check on her, only to find 5 or so of my young women had come into the house, and had the baby. They were at our Tuesday night activity, a few houses away, and decided to come say hi. They came to the back door, which only had the screen shut, and could hear kamryn crying, so they let themselves in to go get her. They decided to come find us, and were about to come upstairs with the baby when I ran into them. It was funny, and almost creepy. Only because it could have been anybody letting them self into my house to get the baby. But i was happy to see the YW, it had been like 4 weeks since I had seen them last, and I realized, whoa, I missed these girls.


Sarah Smiles said…
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
Steffani said…
What a cutie pie! Her eyelashes are insanely long!! WOW! LOVE HER!
Kris said…
Congrats! She's adorable!

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