I can't walk Mom

Nixon was downstairs, and yelling for mom, as usual. "I can't walk Mom" was what he was yelling over and over, but at the time, I wasn't sure what he was saying, as he is only 2, and his finger is permanently stuck in his mouth. After about 5 minutes or so, I leisurely make my way down to see whats the trouble, if there is no screaming, I'm in no rush! He's sitting on the ground by the diaper drawer, in his feet pajamas, saying " I cant walk Mom" I was holding Kam, so I grabbed his arm up and helped him/ half dragged him over to the couch so I could see what was up. He said his foot hurt, and that he couldn't walk. So I start pushing on his ankle, toes, etc. and nothing was causing more pain... finally I discover a bulge at the arch area of his foot. Low and behold it was a large paper clip in his feet pajamas, Roxy errrrrrrrh. I unzipped his jammies just enough to get my arm down the leg to fish it out. Then he says this one to...