Nixon is crawling

with the new year, nixon has hit a milestone of his own, 6 months. and a moving machine. he crawls all over, and manages to find every spec of garbage, which he immediately will test out by putting it in his mouth.
he has been sitting up since he was 5 months old, and probably for the last 4 weeks, he has become a sitting pro (really he could make a career out of it). and, and, and, and he knows how to get into the sitting position from laying down. oh what fun.

nixon is still full of smiles, and loves to play peek-a-boo. he loves his sisters, and especially his mom -me!!! he gets really excited when i come into the room, and can't wait for me to pick him up, and give him some cuddle time.


Alifinale said…
Busy boy! Sage doesn't even want to sit up yet. That is so fun that he is getting all around - fun and tiring. Now you have to keep your floor super clean. Where are the pictures of this crawling machine?
Shannon said…
OOOHHH HE IS SO CUTE! Love those smiles.

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