Teleporting is not all its cracked up to be

I woke from my sunday afternoon nap to go and retrieve my crying baby, before he woke the whole family from their afternoon slumber. I stood up next to my bed and decided to teleport myself about 5 or 6 paces into the landing of the basement. My teleportation was running smoothly til I got to my exit point, and our stupid wood step stool got into my way, and I stumbled all over it. The sharp edges jabbed me quite well. Being the old fart that I am, I needed to show off my battle wound.

here is the step stool, which caused me so much pain...

My story might seem a little confusing, and truth be told, I am confused too. And teleporting was the only logical explanation...

I woke from my nap to retrieve nixon from his room. I remember standing up next to the bed, and the next thing I knew I was in excruciating pain and laying on top of the step stool just outside my room. I just don't remember moving away from the bed...
Either I was drunk (not likely), sleep walking (although I know that I woke up )
or I teleported. I am freakin awesome !


Jill said…
i would assume you teleported (sp?) as well. you are amazing!

oh, and sorry about that huge bruise, that looks like it hurts.
Alifinale said…
Sorry for the pain but the teleporting is freakin hilarious. Awesome is right.
Cowan Family said…
Okay I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that!! Man that looks like it really hurts though. I hope you have a good birthday!!!
Melonee said…
Ouch! That is a knarly rememberance of your teleportation.
Steffani said…
Ouch! That looks awful. You need to be more careful when you teleport.
The Mauermans said…
Oh Desi, you are so totally AWESOME! The bruise is awesome too. Remember to use it for as many bragging rights as possible--especially against the Mauermnan girls.
Tom said…
My wife is a prolific bruiser too. (That's not a confession) Yours looks like a nasty one! The only problem with bruises is that you have to show them to everyone fast before they heal. That's the one benefit to scars.
Beth said…
Ouch Desi! Crazy bruise! Sexy legs though! Looks like you're still a runner! Miss you around here! Hope to see you at Bunko this week!

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