8 months and counting

Nixon is now 8 months and 4 days old.

he is still cruising around the house on hands and knees. yesterday he pulled himself to standing from the fabric on my jeans, not my leg, just the jeans. he loves standing, and taking a few steps with his walker. he can walk about 4 or 5 steps with the walker/pusher thing, before he falls backwards.

here is a funny picture of one of his adventures.can you see the huge grin behind the binky?

needless to say, he did take a pretty good fall about 30 seconds later. instead of helping him get off the guitar case i video taped him. and of course i did not hit the record button- so i missed it!

nixon had his 6 month check up about 2 weeks ago. when the doctor asked how he was sleeping, she all but laughed when i told her his sleeping habits:
- swaddling
- nursing (at least 2 times per night)
- rocking to sleep
- needs the binky- essentially all night
- wakes up at least 4 times per night

he is such a stinker.... she said he needs to be sleeping through the night (duh) and to try out the Ferber method, as this was the most common.

so the first night we let him cry himself to sleep (with the binky)
he still had a good cry, probably 30 minutes or so, but he did sleep through the night- AMAZING-
the second day was about the same, but a little less crying. i remember thinking, whoa this is great, i feel so much better (now that i had had some continuous sleep). i was happier, less cranky, and feeling really positive about his sleeping habits.

of course, something had to happen, and it did. nixon got sick, he could hardly breath, he was very congested. he also was running a fever for 3 days. ranging from 100.5 to 101.9. so, of course i canned the ferber method, and babied him. it has been about 1 week since then, and we are doing better, but not as good as those first few days.

last night he went to bed at 7:30 and cried for about 15 minutes, found his binky and finally fell asleep, he woke at 4:30, and again 6:30, and then up for the day 7:15.

that was long and probably boring.


Jill said…
Oh man, poor little guy. Hopefully now that he is feeling better you can get him sleeping all the way through the night again.
Steffani said…
Oh, he is so dang cute! I can't believe that I am missing him grow up! Definitely the Ferber method worked for Hally, although I didn't know that it was called the Ferber Method, I just call it the let them cry themselves to sleep method.
Oh and good job on the hair!!
Cowan Family said…
Desi you make me laugh!! Your girls hair always looked cute even before I told you about the Blog, but the new do's are cute too.
Nixon is adorable hopefully he'll start sleeping again for you.
Thanks for coming to Jumpin Jacks with us it was so much fun.

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