I made a fool of myself
While this would be a common statement you might here from the mouth of Desi, this post is in regards to Riley making a "fool of herself". So the stories goes... At the end of preschool on Friday Riley was allowed to take ONE tootsie roll. She took her one and then proceeded to put a whole handful in her coat pocket. Her teacher noticed and asked her if she only took one, when Riley said she did, the teacher nicely told her that she saw that Riley had taken more and that she needed to put them back. Riley reluctantly put the handful back, saying that it was an accident! When Riley got in the car, she flopped onto the floor and began bawling. I tried to get her to tell me what happened (even though the teacher had already told me). I coaxed her into telling me. Through all the tears and bawling, she finally replied "I'm crying because, I made a fool of myself". I couldn't hold back my laughter, it was too funny to hear her say that, which perfectly su...