tooth fairy time and a duct tape party

My tooth is loose, it won't come out. My tooth is all I think about.

The night before our duct tape party Roxy lost her first tooth! You might assume it fell out on its own, but no. In an effort to continuously traumatize Roxy, Brian popped the tooth out with dental floss (literally it flew about 2 feet)! In his defense the tooth desperately needed to come out, since the permanent tooth broke through a week ago. Since she had not lost any teeth, the permanent tooth came up behind the baby teeth. This might be normal, I'm not sure, but it sure looked messed up!

So now Roxy has entered into the goofy looking phase (don't tell her). We are anticipating large crooked teeth and other odd features, that all add up to one goofy looking kid. This phase for some (myself included) can last until the late teen years. For others (fingers crossed for Roxy) it might only last until age 12 or so.


I bought some duct tape to start practicing "duct tape crafts" for girls camp. Luckily for me, Grandma was here, so she took over and helped the girls make these amazing things:

Duct tape Rose
Duct tape flip flops
Duct tape wallet
Duct tape purses
Duct tape bracelet

Below are some pic's of the girls modeling their creations


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