temple square

this year at temple square, it was a nice temperature. warm enough that a coat was good enough. my goodness, last year was miserably cold when we took are trip to see the lights.
my big brother came for thanksgiving, so we got to go with him and his family to see the temple...

Nixy poo, he is now 5 months old, and he rolls all over the floor, and can sit up for a few minutes

me and the girls, roxy age 5, riley age trouble..... 2.5

rox and her cousin elan


gretchen said…
That Nixon certainly looks like the happiest baby on the block! He is so cute. Love that pic of you and the girls too!
Natée said…
I'll take Riley off your hands anytime, age trouble and all... that girl cracks me up! You all look fabulous. Gosh, we miss you!
lisset said…
yay for updates. but sad that you sliced your finger!

could your girls look any more like their mommy?!
Melonee said…
Looks like fun Desi! Nixon is so adorable!!
{autie} said…
Desi-- I don't know how I stumbled on to your blog, but you have such a cute family!!! It was fun to see what you guys have been up to!
Happy Holidays!

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