Twilight, Best movie of the year?

this photos is from me and my sister's favorite scene: they are in the school parking lot, and finally "together" and everyone is "staring." sadly, it only lasts for a moment, and then off to the wilderness again.

unfortunatley, no. don't get me wrong, seeing the movie was like Christmas morning, it just fell short in many ways.

The script: good grief, tell me stephenie was unhappy with this. i realize the script couldn't be as awesome as the book, it just screamed "made for tv."

The special effects: the movie obviously is not loaded with this stuff, so that was good. but what they did have to modify, like the running and fighting, was soooo cheesy looking, again "made for tv movie."

those were the 2 big down falls for me. i loved robert pattinson (he really grew on me) and kristen stewart did a good job as well(just take out the hospital scene where she botches it big time). i don't think anyone plays the "suffer in silnece" better then her.

i read a review that i felt was right on with the movie. he said that robert and kristen had a really good on screne chemistry, and my second time seeing the movie, i completely agree.


thursday night, my aunt called with an extra ticket to the midnight show, i obviously went with her. the hype at the theatre was contagious. when the movie started everyone gasped and screeched. when they first showed edward there was screeming. i felt home, and that i finally found a place where i "belonged."

share your feelings on the show.....


gretchen said…
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gretchen said…
I tried to edit my comment, and accidentally deleted it! Anyway, I loved your reivew of the movie. Next time there is a Twilight movie we have to go together! The fast running reminded me of something from Harry Potter and I kept looking for quiditch balls or whatever they're called - snitches? I agree with you about your favorite scene too. Can you believe it made 70 mill in its opening weekend?

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