happy birthday riley

april first came and went, and riley turned 3!!! our little april fools day baby has gown so quickly.

it all began with chubby cheeks, a smidgen of black hair, blue eyes, and olive (jaundice-ish) skin.
she quickly developed a contagious smile, and maintained a very happy and playful disposition.

about the time riley entered nursery (18 months) she quickly learned how to not share, maybe even hit if she did not get her way, and that crying usually got what she wanted. by 2 she was good at the above mentioned and being the good parent that i am, i let it slide.....

now that she is 3, she will magically become more accountable for her actions, and will quickly learn that the "golden rule" will always provide the best outcome.

at age 3:

riley loves to sing, twirl, and be princess. she always wants to brush her own teeth, (even though her big sis will still let us do her teeth), she says sweet prayers to heavenly father, and never wants any help (when we try to help she will send a nasty glare our way). attending church is the highlight of her life, she loves the social interaction of her nursery class. she does not have a quiet voice and can be quite disrputive during sacrament meeting. she cries when roxy goes to play dates, and wishes she too could go snowboarding with roxy and dad. she loves movies and just recently has enjoyed watching the tv show yo gabba gabba. she knows most of her alphabet, and can count to 20 with a few missing numbers. she is very dramatic, and cracks us up all the time. she calls roxy her "best sister" and she wants to do everything roxy does. she loves playing with nixon and getting in his face, and he loves the attention- most of the time. she still sucks her thumb, and drags around a pink blanket amy made for her.

we love riley(buzz buzz or buzzy) and we are excited to see what this year will bring


I miss my Buzzy! Give her a big hug and kiss for me.

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