nixon at 9 months

Nixon had a birthday too. we did not celebrate or even really acknowledge it, but 9 months is a great milestone. he and riley had a joint Dr.'s visit. lucky nixon he did not need any shots!

weighing in at 17.9 pounds 10th %
measuring 27.5 inches 21st %

nixon is still crawling, but he now loves to stand. on his own. for maybe 10-15 seconds at a time. he is itching to walk, and crawls on his feet about half the time. however, when he needs to get somewhere quick, he goes back to the regular crawling method and can get to his destination like a bolt of lightening.

he is such a little guy, and his growth chart proves it. but he is built solidly and still has an enjoyable amount of chub on the legs, arms, and cheeks.

according to the developmental survey he could be talking more, but he only says da-da, and of course the high pitched squeeling. he could also possibly know to hand over a toy, when i put my hand out. we have yet to try this, but i am very confident he would not know what to do. if he was not napping this very moment, i would test my theory.

all in all we love this kid. i remember when we found out we were having a boy, and i thought "what are we going to do with a boy?" well i now know the answer... nothing different than what you do with your girls. especially if you just dress your baby as a girl. i am sure when potty training comes i will be singing a different tune when i see pee on the wall, because he has missed the target!!!

some more on our check up with Dr. Connor.

miss riley had a great visit, they did her first vision exam, being the composed person that i am, i ducked behind the corner every 5 seconds or so to let out my laugh. (i am not sure what my problem is, i always laugh at my kids, especially when i see them doing grown up things, such as: eye exams, hearing checks, the dentist visist, when roxy gives a talk at church, or when i see roxy singing in the childrens choir- so inappropriate...)
her exam consisted of a circle, apple, house, and a square. the nurse had her name them as she showed them, and then riley coverd one eye at a time. the poor kid kept saying triangle. she did know the house shape and the apple, and got those right a few times. we need to work on our shapes.

poor riley
miss riley did get 1 shot, and i am proud to say she did not cry or squirm. i have some of the bravest kids. of course they cried a little when they were babies, but other than that roxy and riley have always been really brave for shots. no tears, etc... i think they get that from me :)


riley's weight 29 pound 41st %
riley's height 35 inches 19th %

Roxy was not such a little kid, she always ranked in the high 90th %

OK folks, i am sure you really enjoyed reading this stuff.


Alifinale said…
I love reading about your kids because Riley and Nixon are the same age and Emery and Sage (and Roxy is just so cute!)

Ok, so the carseat wasn't that hard. I just unstitched the center and sewed the new fabric directly on it and copied the "button holes" for the slits for the straps then sewed the sides back on. Good luck and post pics if you do it!
Jill said…
i loved the dr update. nixon is about 1 month older than wyatt so it shows me what i have to look forward to. but i feel like wyatt is a little behind. he will not even attempt to scoot on his tummy...i have a feeling crawling is a long ways away.
gretchen said…
I can't believe your kids don't cry when they get shots! You are so lucky. Everyone stares at my screaming kids as we leave the doctors office. Fun post, Desi, your kids are extremely cute!!

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